Mobile phone radiation and brain tumors

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The California Department of Public Health issued guidelines on cell phone radiation and how to reduce exposure.

According to the CBS report, although there is no conclusive medical evidence, some studies have shown that mobile phone use may be related to brain tumors , headaches, low sperm count, memory, hearing and sleep problems.

Dr. Smith of the California Department of Public Health told CBS, “A lot of people are worried that high-frequency use of mobile phones is harmful to health and whether it is safe to use mobile phones.”

Dr. Smith said that when you sleep, your phone is at least one arm away from your body. Also, don’t put your phone in your pocket, put it in your wallet, or carry it with you.

The new guide also recommends: reduce the use of mobile phones when the signal is weak; use less mobile phones to transmit audio or video, download or upload large files; do not put the mobile phone on the bed at night; take off the headset without making a call.

However, despite the release of new guidelines, the government did not say that mobile phones are dangerous.

Dr. Smith stated that our position is that science is constantly evolving.

According to a CBS News report, the main reason for national officials to publish this guideline is that new data shows that cell phone usage has reached its highest level in history, with 95% of Americans using cell phones.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer of the World Health Organization has classified the radiation emitted by mobile phones as “probably carcinogenic.”

The results of some studies published last year by the National Toxicology Program of the United States show that radio frequency radiation poses a higher risk of two types of cancer in male rats. More importantly, this study found that the higher the radiation dose, the stronger the response.

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